Thursday, November 8, 2007

Can't Be Bored...Must Do Something...

I have always been a hands on kind of person. Even when I was little, I always had to be busy doing something. I have maintained my low attention span well into adulthood. Now, I find new ways to keep myself from being bored.

Scrapbooking wasn't something I had tried before. But I decided that I was going to make one for my sister Lori this year. It was for her birthday but it took me so long to complete it...that I gave it to her near MY birthday. was roughly 3 months late. It would have taken less time if I was a little less anal.

Well, one scrapbook was enough for me. I may pick that up again later on.

This year, I've really enjoyed baking. For Halloween, I made these cupcakes. The heads were little marshmallows.

But now that it's's cookie time. While most normal people are content with icing sugar cookies simply...I have to take the anal approach and decorate until my back is sore and I've gone cross eyed. Like this tree cookie for instance. I know, who takes a picture of a cookie? Anyways, I decorated about 30 like this one here. Sadly, this is my favorite part of Christmas. All this work for something that gets chewed up, digested and then dropped into a toilet bowl. It hardly seems worth it.

Maybe I should stick to scrapbooking.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Nasty Habits

Ah yes. I have witnessed yet another nasty habit. I must be observant. I am aware that I have a couple nasty habits too, but scratching your ear with a toothpick and then placing it back in your mouth? Can you say conversation stopper?!!! That is far beyond any habit I have!

I find it funny that people have these weird habits and don't realize how gross they are, and more importantly, that they do them in front of people. But I guess we all do things without realizing.

When someone does something gross in front of you...
What do you do?

Option A: Continue talking so they don't realize you've noticed and at the same time think about how incredibly nasty the person is and try to figure out how to get away from them ASAP?
Option B: Or do you stop the conversation and confront them? Like " What did you just do?" OR "Could you not!"

I use option A and then write about it on my blog. That way, I can tell people about it and gross them out, so that they notice if it happens around them. Yuck! I don't even think that expression "You must have grown up on a farm" will cut it this time. Ear wax, really? Who eats that? Am I missing something? Is ear wax good for your teeth? Does it make the toothpick slimy and easier to clean your teeth? Or is it just that the person likes the taste of it?

Okay, here's the bottom line:
If it's on your body - IT DOESN'T GO IN YOUR MOUTH!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Camping at Gull Harbour

Check this photo out! To me...this is a perfect picture for relaxation. The water was so calm the day we got there. You can even see the rippled sand beneath the surface of the lake.

I was bummed about my summer and so was Sam. Between dealing with our own lives, family problems and work related frustrations, our stress levels were through the roof! We decided we'd go camping to get away from the norm for some relaxation time. Neither of us have really been anywhere in Manitoba but Gimli and Winnipeg, so we decided to go to Hecla Island. It's only 2 hours away, and is supposedly the place to go to relax. We left Friday after work and came home around 4 pm on Sunday. It was short, but I think it was just what we needed.

Sam's sister had told us that she had a tent we could borrow, so on our way, we stopped to pick it up. It was when she realized that someone had borrowed it and never given it back that anger began to set in. Sam and I were thinking "who says they'll lend you something and then doesn't have it?" We got over that when we found someone else that would lend us their tent. Two issues presented themselves once we began to set it up.

Issue#1 -
No instructions. Neither one of us had put a tent up in so long and not having instructions tried our patience! We got annoyed at each other as we tried to understand the inner workings of it. We ended up tieing the back poles to a tree and the front up so that together, they would keep it from suffocating us at night. There was a third length of poles that didn't even make it to setup. We figured the tent was secure enough, and it was.
Issue#2 -
It reeked! Not just any smell either. Pot and Cattle. Yes! It sounds strange. But I assure you, that IS what it smelt like. But it seemed to air out enough to be bearable to sleep in for two nights.

Hiking: The trails were great. Easy to walk through and were surrounded by beautiful scenery. We snapped tons of pictures! There are a few at the top of this page.
Marsh Boardwalk: The only "wildlife" we saw there was a couple of snails. My favorite part of it: The wind was very strong and all we could hear was the calming rush of the bulrushes in the wind. It was much different than the waves hitting the shore or the rustling of the trees.
Wildlife: We stood on a tower at sunset to see some moose but were unlucky. There are a lot of bald eagles on the island but we didn't get to catch a glimpse of them either. The only animal we saw was a fox as it trotted across the road.

We didn't do a whole lot while we were there. But I think that was the point. No tv, computer or cell phone made it easy to settle into relaxation. It's amazing what a couple days away from technology and the frustrations of every day life can do.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

My recent trip to Atlanta

It had been decided months ago that we would drive 8 hours to Minneapolis, stay the night in a hotel and then fly to Atlanta the next morning. The drive was interesting...meaning there was a little bickering and one incident of gas tank drainage resulting in a 45 minute wait for CAA. We were about 1 hour away from our hotel when the van began to loose speed. It was ok, most of us just kept our cool and decided to eat dinner while we waited.

On the drive, I found one thing quite weird and a little alarming. Any bodies of water we drove by in Minnesota were surrounded by dead trees. The water was so full of algae that it killed all trees in and around the water. Made me think twice before I drank their water.

Everyone else (Jer's parents, brother and Mike) had left on an earlier flight so Jer and I shopped a little at Mall of America. After an hour I was done though. I've never been too fond of shopping.

As we received our boarding passes...we realized that we were sitting on opposite ends of the plane. I was totally annoyed at first, but it was kinda nice to have some down time. When we arrived in Atlanta, we hopped onto a clean Marta train so I was happy. I thought that they had finally replaced the old smelly ones that I remember from the last time we were out there. But, I later found out that the smelly ones were still in use. They smelled so bad that I felt disgusted any time my skin happened to touch anything on the ride. It smelt like someone had urinated all over the carpet, daily, for years. Ew! Not my fondest memory.

The day after we all started. The 3 hour sessions 3 times a day. The first day I was a complete grump because I was more worried about our money situation than pretending to be happy and excited about being there. The sessions were too long for me. I was very fidgety and my attention span just barely made it. Thanks to hand held Yahtzee and my ability to daydream. I did get some good things out of the sessions...but I was not "gung ho" like everyone else there was. So I felt very much like an outsider for the most part.

I do believe that Primerica sells good products and genuinely cares for the consumer; Something most companies don't consider. Some would argue against that, but this is what I have come to believe, through research, information from "Primericans" and also through observing how each agent talks about what they have done for their clients.

The highlight of my trip: Visiting with my "brother from another mother". This was the second time I met up with him. Him and his wife are great people. Nick was adopted by a family in Ontario when he was almost a year old. His official adoption date happened to be the day I was born. I wish they lived closer. I could see us getting along very well.

The day we began our treck home...I was so glad! This was where the "I want to sleep in my own bed" feeling set in. I get a little annoyed when I'm around tons of people for long periods of time too. I guess I like my own space.

All together, the trip was alright. I can't say that I'll do it again for sure. Atlanta is a great city when you put aside the bums and the stinky Marta train. The architecture is interesting and the people are very friendly, even the bums. If they ask you for money or food and you don't have any, instead of swearing at you (Manitoba bums are all about the swearing) they'd say "God bless". It was sad to see how many homeless people there are in the city. So many would crowd around the church to sleep at night.

If I visit again, I'd like to see the Coke Museum and the Aquarium. I did get to go to IKEA though. So that made up for everything.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Just Thinking

The following sentence was at the bottom of a recent email that I received, and it made me think about things.

When you're down to nothing...God is up to something.

For people who are believers in God...this sentence makes perfect sense. Being a "believer" requires you to "give yourself" to God. Meaning, you live a good life in the eyes of Jesus, living by His example. Telling others about the eternal life that He offers at the end of our stay here on earth. This sentence is just so...I don't even know how to describe why it's got my attention. I guess when you are down to's true, God is up to something. Attempting to give you a wake up call of sorts. But so many people just give up at a certain point because they don't feel that they have the strength to carry on. To strive to achieve what they desire. And in giving up, sometimes they blind themselves to what is right in front of them. Although life can be rough, it also has it's bright moments. Family, friends, laughter and life...the list does go on if you choose to see it. Even if you are not a "believer", you are here for a purpose just like the rest of us. You may not know what it is, and you may never point your finger on it, but why not make the best of your life?! You only get one. Why waste it letting the rough times drive you through each passing year?

If you feel that you are down to nothing...maybe it's time to evaluate your surroundings. Make a list of what you want for yourself in the next few months and years. You have the strength in you if you choose to see it.

Friday, June 8, 2007

What The Facebook?

For the longest time I was getting an email or two a day, saying that "so and so have added you to their friends list on Facebook." I just kept deleting them cause I figured, it was just another internet/email/blog thingy that I didn't need. I was partially correct. I finally checked it out and now I am freakin addicted. I check it daily before work, at lunch, after work and before I go to bed. That's completely retarded but I can't stop!!! I love that I have been able to find people that I haven't seen in a while (from elementary school, high school, old friends, youth girls, youth leaders I had...) It's crazy!! But it is so addictive. Why? I guess it's because it's a fast, free and easy way to keep in touch. It's not just me, one of my friends (You know who you are) has added an extra feature that phones her cell every time someone leaves her a Facebook note. I've been on it so much, that when I'm at work, typing something out...I want to spell like I do online. Ppl=people; U=you; R=are; enuf=enough...the list goes on. Help me!! No! Don't help me...then I'll lose my new best friend...Facebook! My family is even starting to get annoyed that I talk about it all the time.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Reasons Why I'm Crazy

People tell me I'm crazy, fun, out there, abnormal, unique...etc. I admit, I am all of these things. Although, I've met far too many crazy people so crazy has to be normal, therefore I can't be classified as abnormal because it's normal to be crazy nowadays. I probably just confused you, but hey, that's me. Confuse or be confused. Now I'm just rambling.'s a list of 6 things that drive me bonkers!!!! If you're eating, read this later.

6) Shopping Amongst Sloths: Just as people behind the wheel have road rage, I have mall rage. I need to keep moving. Not at sloth speed, but at a comfortable "I'm gonna get things accomplished" speed.
5) Southern Nail Biters: Okay, biting your fingernails is slightly normal, but when there's no clippers in sight and you feel the need to use your teeth to pick your toes (yes, your toes, people actually do this)...DON'T! Someone seeing you do this completely destroys your ability to make and keep friends, cause they wont forget it! No more hand more eating out with more hugging...just awkwardness.
4) Public Feet Fondlers: When you're visiting someone, don't pick your feet and then ask if they need help preparing dinner or making something to drink...They're gonna say NO. No one wants toe jam sandwiches or toe skin tea. Eew!
3) Bad Aim: Yes this ones for the guys. When you use someone else's washroom, AIM! I actually remove the mat in my bathroom when certain people visit to avoid a stank wanked - soggy mat. There's nothing worse than getting your socks soaked with someone else's piss.
2) Repeat Conversation: We've all been in situations where someone's told us a story more than once, but what really gets me fuming mad, is when someone talks to me and says the same thing over and over in different sentences. It's like they think you're back in Kindergarten and you couldn't possibly "get it" if you're only told once. When someone does this to me, I don't even listen after a while. I'm just thinking "I would really love to taser or cattle prod you right now!" Maybe a cattle prod would be best, that way I wont have to be so close to the burning flesh smell.
1) Scab Eaters: This is by far the grossest thing I've ever witnessed. If you've got skin problems fine, but don't eat it! For goodness sakes people, that is so wrong it leaves me nauseous and speechless! It's just utterly GROSS!

Anyone that has to deal with any one of these things on a regular basis will come off as crazy. See?! There's a reason why I turned out this way. Being crazy and seeing people laugh or look at me funny makes me forget the things that drove me nuts all week.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Disadvantaged People's Day?

This was emailed to me and I couldn't stop laughing! I know I'm nuts but come on! Who sends this stuff out? Well, I guess I shouldn't ask that cause I forwarded it to a bunch of people after I received it.

Today is International Disadvantaged People's Day.
Please send an encouraging message to a retarded friend...
I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus
or occasionally shit yourself...You hang in there sunshine, you're friggin' special.

Ha ha, "take the special bus" cracks me up every time!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Wedding In April

Len and Mandy married on April 21 this year. They seem to suit each other perfectly. The wedding was at Calvary Temple, my Aunty Anne made their cake, Alison's daughter was their flower girl...and there's probably a lot more info I could tell you. Mandy's mom passed away a few years back and the day they got married was her mom's birthday, so we had a moment of silence for her. It was different but I thought it was nice to remember her as they got married.

Being there and seeing how happy they were to be married made me think a little about things. Although marriage can be frustrating at times, it is comforting to know that someone genuinely cares for you. It's hard work sometimes but anything worth having will test you. So many divorces take place because people don't want to make the effort. But the effort is what makes it worth while.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Let The White Be Gone!

It is so hot out it's crazy! In the summer, my co-workers and I go outside to eat on our "patio". It's really not a patio, but we like to call the parking spot where we eat lunch that anyways. We have no windows in our office (for safety reasons) so it's nice to get some natural sunlight to break up the day. I have had a couple mild sun burns already, but I'll deal cause I know they'll turn my skin to a shade that's less blinding.

I don't have concrete plans this summer yet, but I do hope to tan, go fishing, go camping, enjoy the beach, roller blade, might do some work on the inside of my mom's house, catch a ride with family to visit my Aunty Linda in Calgary and Sam and I want to go somewhere for a long weekend just to relax in the Rockies free of any worries, work and personal issues.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Where Did April Go?

Wow, April flew by! One of the highlights of April happened on Saturday the 28th. Jer, me, Chad, Christine and Merle went to Mongo's Grill for dinner. $15.99 for the buffet is a little much for me but we had a good time and enjoyed the food. As per usual we were the most obnoxious table there. I'm sure it takes a toll on the waitress that gets stuck with us, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. The second time we went through the line I noticed Jeremy's bowl was ridiculously overflowing with noodles even for him. My response was "Jeremy, did you put the whole noodle tray on your bowl? It's a buffet. You can come back!" Then, him and the guy in front of us (the son of a guy I work with), started to make up reasons why he needed that many noodles. It was a pointless conversation but provided us with more laughter. I'd like to note that he didn't actually eat all the noodles either. On the drive home, a few people were victims of our rowdiness as well. People don't know what to do when you stop at the bus stop and yell "I am the bus". But Chad and I did it anyways. Serves me right for telling him about the funny things Sam and I did with our friends as teens.

Don't take everything too seriously. You need to let loose sometimes and have some good old fashioned fun! Who cares if people look at you funny. Watch their expression. It makes it that much more enjoyable. Most of the time.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

This is great!

I know some of you wont appreciate this photo. But when I spotted it, I had a good laugh. It inspires me to do the same.

No, "ass" is not a swear word. It's a body part. And clearly that is the context in which this book title uses it. Anyone with book cover photos out there? Send them to me so I can re-title them.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What Do You Want?

I don't gamble much. Honestly, I get bored after 20 - 30 minutes of tirelessly making the same motions to press how many lines I want to play and then how many credits I want to flush down the toilet that is Winnipeg's Club Regent Casino. Last time I was there, I played $5 for 45 minutes and walked out with $10. I know, I know, it doesn't sound like much. But when I go there, I fully expect to lose my $5 - $10. Once I am completely bored and done with the repetitive button pressing, I wander. Man people throw a lot of money away there. If you take a peak at the amounts people put on the table for one card game alone you'd be surprised. $300, $700, $1000, It's unbelievable! I don't understand why people do this and some of them are there on a daily basis...can you imagine how much those people throw away? Instead of wasting it in the casino, they could be saving up to fix their homes, send their kids to college, retire and not have to live on food stamps and so on. Yes, I like the games that come with VLT's, but clearly not as much as the people next to me.

I guess gambling is an addiction for some just like smoking, drinking...I guess it all comes down to how badly we want what we want for ourselves. Most people think if something is going to be difficult that's it's not worth it. But doesn't it make it more worth it? Everything in our lives that's good has taken some time and effort. I'm not going to give up on anything because it seems too hard or too big for me to handle. I think that with every ounce of effort, comes better understanding and an ability to value situations, people and life more.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Happy 21 Lori!

She's 21 today! I remember days when Lori would do something that annoyed me and I would over react angrilly and tell her that she was named after a dead person (No really, she was! My dad's sister died as an infant when she went in for surgery to correct her clef pallet). Sorry that you were the first to experience my meanness Lori. Maybe you should have thought about that before you were born second! Ha ha, like you had a choice. It is actually nice that your name had a meaning behind it. In a way, as you have lived your life you've kept the memory of dad's baby sister alive.

Well I am glad that we get along better than when we were kids. You've turned out to be a great person. Keep on growing and maybe you will not end up being the shortest one of us all. At least you're still taller than Sam.

Anyways...HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORI! I hope you win the jackpot at the casino tonight!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Helpful Hints Shopper Edition...

Okay, if you haven't read the first Helpful Hints post - you should. You may consider the points when out in public so you don't make people angry, consider them to push people's buttons or think of them as you are out and develop issues with public places. Here are a few Helpful Hints for all you shoppers...

1) If you're in a group of slow walking shoppers, don't walk in a straight line so no one can get by. There's nothing that makes me want to strangle myself on the spot like trying to get from store to store through a crowd and then getting slowed down to a crawl. If you'd like to stroll through that's fine, just don't block the way! Some of us know where we're going and what we want.
2) Do not yell at sales people. Just because they work in retail and you've had a bad day, doesn't mean they have "Please yell at me to the point that spit is flying out of your mouth" pasted on their forehead! And if you are one of the customers behind this rude person, say something. Don't just mumble under your breath. Be the person who improves someone else's day not the one who completely shatters it. Unless the rudeness begins at their end, in which case, I like to be rude right back or talk to them like they are 5. That always cheers me up.
3) It's taking forever to get through a line and the person behind you is so glad that they're next. pull out your small change one by one. I always picture taking that persons purse, dumping it out and counting it myself so they'll get far far away from me as soon as possible. Here's a hint...Roll it and take it to the bank. This situation is even worse when the person has forgotten their glasses.
4) Shopping is enjoyable unless you happen to walk through someone's stench! Come on people. If you are going out in public...please have a shower. People shouldn't have to breathe in your dirty, germ filled, stank wank body stench! If I wanted to smell rancid meat, old garlic, moth balls or any other nasty smells that have grown on you I would live in a garbage bin.

Well, I can't think up anything have a great April. So far April in Winnipeg sucks but things could change.

Monday, March 26, 2007

"The noodle eater's hair protector"

I found this online.

Ha ha! The fact that someone thought this was a good idea to patent proves that some people just have too much time on their hands. But, maybe it sells well in China. They do eat a lot of noodles there...right?

Who gets noddles in their hair? Truthfully, I would probably buy this as a gag gift for birthdays. That's about it.

I looked at this again, when translated from Chinese it actually means "funny tool".

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Just Another Money sucker

There are so many things that I could care less if I had. Some things are just out there for some average Joe to try and make a buck. Here's a list of what in my opinion are "money sucker items". Feel free to add more to the comments link.

"Roll up the rim" tool - honestly, if you are getting that messy from rolling it up, maybe you should wait until you are done drinking it! That would eliminate the spillage you moron. You don't need a gadget you need a new brain.
Salad spinner - I know some of you use these. That little bit of water is going to disappear once you add dressing anyways.
Rice cooker - Does anyone use a pot anymore? Boil double the amount of water to rice and cook for 25 minutes. Why spend money on one of these if you have something that can cook rice in half the time?
Eye lash curler - First of all, this thing looks like a surgical tool. These cost about $8-$20 in stores. What a waste of money. I'll use a pencil and a blow dryer if I want my lashes curled that badly.
Egg cups - I've never understood people who use these. An egg is so small, it's gone in a minute. Why bother putting each one in its own dish? Who eats an egg with a spoon anyways?
Banana tree - Just use a freakin plate people. A bowl even.
Pet rock - Come on! Would you seriously pay for a rock that someone picked up out of their back lane, painted and glued googly eyes to? What is the world coming to????
Electric Flosser - Yes they do sell these. I know flossing is annoying, but if you waste your money on this, you deserve a little tooth rot.
Tea Bag Squeezer - I don't know what you're thinking, but this just sounds wrong. But, you can buy these anywhere kitchen items are sold. Do people actually use these?
Throw Pillows - A pillow just for show?...I don't get it. Can someone please explain?
Bed Skirt - I don't want to wear a skirt never mind put one on my bed. Some prissy woman had to have invented this one.
Dog Sweater - People who buy these for their pets are retarded! Yes it's cold, but that's why THEY HAVE FUR!!! It angers me to see a dog wearing clothing. Yours may be due for a "wok" to the nearest Chinese restaurant, you're getting too attached! You want to dress something? Buy a kid! There's plenty out there!

I don't understand why people insist on cluttering up their lives with these things. I can kind of understand if you receive them as gifts and find a use for them. But don't waste your money on things that you could easily do with items you already have.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

One Day Away From Relaxation

I love Thursday because I know there's only one more day until the weekend. My brochures seem to be flying out of the office suddenly and I only have 4 more to complete. Woohoo! Then I can start working on the rest of the books that need to be revamped. There are quite a few here in the office that have not been redesigned since the early 80's, some since the late 70's. Some are so old, that they have never been entered into a computer. The information in each book is great except for the occasional use of the word "Indian" and the word "Gay". I'm sure you understand why these words had to be replaced.

Recently, mom bumped into someone that knew a friend of hers. He just happens to be looking for someone to do design & layout for a magazine business downtown. I will meet with him and see if it's for me. But since this happened I have been wondering about myself. What I want for myself and what effects my decisions. I do get very frustrated a lot at my current job. Although I may not go to church every Sunday, I know what I believe and I really feel that it is where God wants me to be. I don't want my decisions to be fueled by the idea of a bigger paycheck. I want to love what I do and not think about the money. Don't get me wrong, I do want to be able to live off of what I make. I just want to make sure I'm where I should be. Although this magazine thing may not even be for me, I can see this developing into a strong personal struggle for me in the future with different opportunities. Any thoughts? Please comment.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Mondays Can Be Frustrating

I love what I do. Designing brochures, adjusting photos, drawing, painting and putting booklets together. But, I could do without the human interaction most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I love to be around people...sometimes. The whole point in making a brochure is to attract a person to pick it up. When you make it look ugly, they are going to go for something else. I can't seem to get some people to understand this no matter how hard I try. It's during those conversations where I wish I was right beside the person so I could taser them. Just a little shock. I don't want to kill them. Just make them sizzle a little before they say something else that's completely retarded.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Artistic Ability

In 2005 I "almost" completed my schooling at Red River College. I am realizing now, that I miss all that comes with school. Just as going to the gym has made my body healthier, drawing makes my artistic ability stronger. Since I have this blog now, I thought it would be nice to post some of the stuff I did in school and some recent personal projects and work projects. They will be posted on the bottom of the page. Here's a couple books I designed...

Friday, March 9, 2007

Helpful Hints

There are some things that are not ok to do around other people. Here a few, I'm sure I'll have some to add later...
1) When you are around other people don't pick and eat your scabs! This is so nasty I cannot explain how it makes me feel. Yeah, Goldmember does it in the 3rd Austin Powers movie, but that is NOT NORMAL! Especially if the scab is bleeding. I wont name names, but I've witnessed this a couple times.
2) When you don't like someone, don't look them up and down regularly and snarl at what they are wearing. People notice. If you're going to be fake nice, at least do it well. Take out a book.
3) When you are sick in the winter. Do not use your mittens to wipe your runny nose. Here in Winnipeg, it freezes and then you get on the bus and it's just not sanitary to spread those germs around. Buy some kleanex, it's cheap!
4) If you're smoking and it's really cold out, stay outside of the bus shack. The people in the bus shack have chosen not to freeze to death and when you come in with your Cancer stick, you threaten to kill them by rendering their lungs useless. Personally I'd rather brave the cold, but I shouldn't have to.

I don't understand why people do some of these things. I am no angel, I'm aware of that. But please spare the rest of us from enduring these dirty habits.

2007 Rush

Wow, I am glad it's Friday! This week has been almost as crazy as last week. There are so many jobs I am struggling to juggle. I received 9 more brochures this year from Saskatchewan. This puts my brochure load up to 29. I love to design them but I will be glad to take a rest after they are all completed.

Jeremy is building confidence in working with Primerica. I was at a meeting about a week or so ago and he spoke. Wow! I was impressed. He knows his stuff and I think he's starting to realize how much he has grown. He has a passion to help families and that is great. There are so many companies out there that are out to get families. It's about time that the customer benefit from something they pay for.

Lori will be 21 in April. Chad has just turned 17 and Joelle will be 15 in July. I remember when they were all chubby little babies. Lori, brushing my friends hair with her toothbrush, Chad banging his head on the floor and Joelle using the heating vents as a dumping ground for her urine. This makes me feel a bit old. But I know I am still young and have lots of time to have kids, buy a house and so on.