Friday, May 25, 2007

Reasons Why I'm Crazy

People tell me I'm crazy, fun, out there, abnormal, unique...etc. I admit, I am all of these things. Although, I've met far too many crazy people so crazy has to be normal, therefore I can't be classified as abnormal because it's normal to be crazy nowadays. I probably just confused you, but hey, that's me. Confuse or be confused. Now I'm just rambling.'s a list of 6 things that drive me bonkers!!!! If you're eating, read this later.

6) Shopping Amongst Sloths: Just as people behind the wheel have road rage, I have mall rage. I need to keep moving. Not at sloth speed, but at a comfortable "I'm gonna get things accomplished" speed.
5) Southern Nail Biters: Okay, biting your fingernails is slightly normal, but when there's no clippers in sight and you feel the need to use your teeth to pick your toes (yes, your toes, people actually do this)...DON'T! Someone seeing you do this completely destroys your ability to make and keep friends, cause they wont forget it! No more hand more eating out with more hugging...just awkwardness.
4) Public Feet Fondlers: When you're visiting someone, don't pick your feet and then ask if they need help preparing dinner or making something to drink...They're gonna say NO. No one wants toe jam sandwiches or toe skin tea. Eew!
3) Bad Aim: Yes this ones for the guys. When you use someone else's washroom, AIM! I actually remove the mat in my bathroom when certain people visit to avoid a stank wanked - soggy mat. There's nothing worse than getting your socks soaked with someone else's piss.
2) Repeat Conversation: We've all been in situations where someone's told us a story more than once, but what really gets me fuming mad, is when someone talks to me and says the same thing over and over in different sentences. It's like they think you're back in Kindergarten and you couldn't possibly "get it" if you're only told once. When someone does this to me, I don't even listen after a while. I'm just thinking "I would really love to taser or cattle prod you right now!" Maybe a cattle prod would be best, that way I wont have to be so close to the burning flesh smell.
1) Scab Eaters: This is by far the grossest thing I've ever witnessed. If you've got skin problems fine, but don't eat it! For goodness sakes people, that is so wrong it leaves me nauseous and speechless! It's just utterly GROSS!

Anyone that has to deal with any one of these things on a regular basis will come off as crazy. See?! There's a reason why I turned out this way. Being crazy and seeing people laugh or look at me funny makes me forget the things that drove me nuts all week.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Disadvantaged People's Day?

This was emailed to me and I couldn't stop laughing! I know I'm nuts but come on! Who sends this stuff out? Well, I guess I shouldn't ask that cause I forwarded it to a bunch of people after I received it.

Today is International Disadvantaged People's Day.
Please send an encouraging message to a retarded friend...
I don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus
or occasionally shit yourself...You hang in there sunshine, you're friggin' special.

Ha ha, "take the special bus" cracks me up every time!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Wedding In April

Len and Mandy married on April 21 this year. They seem to suit each other perfectly. The wedding was at Calvary Temple, my Aunty Anne made their cake, Alison's daughter was their flower girl...and there's probably a lot more info I could tell you. Mandy's mom passed away a few years back and the day they got married was her mom's birthday, so we had a moment of silence for her. It was different but I thought it was nice to remember her as they got married.

Being there and seeing how happy they were to be married made me think a little about things. Although marriage can be frustrating at times, it is comforting to know that someone genuinely cares for you. It's hard work sometimes but anything worth having will test you. So many divorces take place because people don't want to make the effort. But the effort is what makes it worth while.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Let The White Be Gone!

It is so hot out it's crazy! In the summer, my co-workers and I go outside to eat on our "patio". It's really not a patio, but we like to call the parking spot where we eat lunch that anyways. We have no windows in our office (for safety reasons) so it's nice to get some natural sunlight to break up the day. I have had a couple mild sun burns already, but I'll deal cause I know they'll turn my skin to a shade that's less blinding.

I don't have concrete plans this summer yet, but I do hope to tan, go fishing, go camping, enjoy the beach, roller blade, might do some work on the inside of my mom's house, catch a ride with family to visit my Aunty Linda in Calgary and Sam and I want to go somewhere for a long weekend just to relax in the Rockies free of any worries, work and personal issues.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Where Did April Go?

Wow, April flew by! One of the highlights of April happened on Saturday the 28th. Jer, me, Chad, Christine and Merle went to Mongo's Grill for dinner. $15.99 for the buffet is a little much for me but we had a good time and enjoyed the food. As per usual we were the most obnoxious table there. I'm sure it takes a toll on the waitress that gets stuck with us, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. The second time we went through the line I noticed Jeremy's bowl was ridiculously overflowing with noodles even for him. My response was "Jeremy, did you put the whole noodle tray on your bowl? It's a buffet. You can come back!" Then, him and the guy in front of us (the son of a guy I work with), started to make up reasons why he needed that many noodles. It was a pointless conversation but provided us with more laughter. I'd like to note that he didn't actually eat all the noodles either. On the drive home, a few people were victims of our rowdiness as well. People don't know what to do when you stop at the bus stop and yell "I am the bus". But Chad and I did it anyways. Serves me right for telling him about the funny things Sam and I did with our friends as teens.

Don't take everything too seriously. You need to let loose sometimes and have some good old fashioned fun! Who cares if people look at you funny. Watch their expression. It makes it that much more enjoyable. Most of the time.