Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Nasty Habits

Ah yes. I have witnessed yet another nasty habit. I must be observant. I am aware that I have a couple nasty habits too, but scratching your ear with a toothpick and then placing it back in your mouth? Can you say conversation stopper?!!! That is far beyond any habit I have!

I find it funny that people have these weird habits and don't realize how gross they are, and more importantly, that they do them in front of people. But I guess we all do things without realizing.

When someone does something gross in front of you...
What do you do?

Option A: Continue talking so they don't realize you've noticed and at the same time think about how incredibly nasty the person is and try to figure out how to get away from them ASAP?
Option B: Or do you stop the conversation and confront them? Like " What did you just do?" OR "Could you not!"

I use option A and then write about it on my blog. That way, I can tell people about it and gross them out, so that they notice if it happens around them. Yuck! I don't even think that expression "You must have grown up on a farm" will cut it this time. Ear wax, really? Who eats that? Am I missing something? Is ear wax good for your teeth? Does it make the toothpick slimy and easier to clean your teeth? Or is it just that the person likes the taste of it?

Okay, here's the bottom line:
If it's on your body - IT DOESN'T GO IN YOUR MOUTH!!