Thursday, August 19, 2010

Space Ship in My Belly

Jeremy, my mom and I met with my midwife a couple days ago. She told us more detailed information about what a midwife does, and answered a few questions.

So far my blood pressure is good...and the baby's heart beat was great (150). And this time Jer got to listen in. I expected him to tell me it sounded like an alien...instead, he said it sounded like a space ship. My mom was even excited to listen in and I was glad she got to be a part of it.

One thing the midwife told us, is that the hospital I'd like to give birth in (St. Boniface), will not tell us the sex of our baby. So, we've decided to go with a private company even though we have to pay for it. We may even purchase a package where we get to take home 3D pictures of the ultrasound.

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