Friday, July 9, 2010

Pregnancy Thoughts

During times where my body is obviously showing pregnancy symptoms - I do a lot of thinking. Here's the short version:

- Living off mat leave from E.I. will be difficult - but manageable
- Ahhh, it's such a comforting thought to know I wont have to be around my co-workers for a whole year after my baby is here.
- Do I want a girl or boy? Hmmm...I actually am fine with either one. Asuming I do have only one in there. Twins run in both our families. Yikes!
- I love knowing that my family is so excited for us. I think at times, they're more excited than I am. But that will change once I actually see our little one in an ultrasound, and once I feel it moving. Right now I just feel under the weather.
- Jeremy will be a great father. I can't wait to see that play out.
- I'm happy knowing my child will know and love their grandparents. I never knew mine well, and saw the ones in Ontario very little.
- After being a mom to my 2 youngest siblings, I can't wait to be a mom to my own children. It warms my heart to think about it.
- I no longer have to be annoyed at everyone having beautiful children while I have none. Ha ha.
- Someone asked me the other day if I "should be doing that". My response was "I'm pregnant, not dying." I know it's important to take care of myself right now. And I'm doing just that.
- I need new clothes - but I refuse to buy new ones, knowing I wont fit them in a month or so. This is where Value Village comes in.
- Labor is a little scary to think about, but for me what's even scarier is knowing that my boobs will only get bigger from here. Crap.
- Now that I'm in my 11th week, I don't have to pee as often. It's nice to get up only once per night as opposed to three or four times.
- Craving milk and then orange juice is bad. Also, after consuming said cravings, jumping on an exercise machine just mixes it all up. This is also not good.

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