Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Book: Jane Eyre

by Charlotte Bronte

Being in a book group, I feel it's necessary to read books I normally would not choose for myself. Before I started reading this one, I was sure I wouldn't enjoy it. I have never been one for gushy love stories in movies...but I realized after this book, that a book can be so much more than a movie can ever be. It allows for unlimited imaginative possibilities.

I actually enjoyed this book from start to finish. I did find however, that the story dragged on a little, and then, just as I was tired of it, the story would perk up. The imagery in the book is interesting and the characters are enjoyable. I may read the book again in a year or so.

1 comment:

A. said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time experiencing a great classic!! Have you seen the movie "The Jane Austen book club"?