Monday, January 4, 2010

The Annoyance of fat cells

Oh yeah, you know what I'm talking about. The frustrating battle with weight gain. I used to have the ability to consume large amounts of food and not gain a thing. But that all changed once I hit puberty, as it does for most women. We are all aware of the issue and how hard we have to work to overcome it or accept ourselves for who we are.

So what makes us gain? Besides the absence of will power?

1A. Laziness
That's right. Laziness. This can come in many forms. But tv has been the culprit for me. Growing up, I remember how much we used the tv as a babysitter. And I think that's part of my problem. I'm still allowing my tv to babysit me. But this particular issue has another part to it. And that my friend, is eating.

1B. Eating While Watching
Recently I watched a talk show that talked about eating while watching tv, and how this "activity" can actually make you eat more than you normally would. The impulse to bring food to your mouth enables you to ignore your stomach. This is a problem for many people.

Hmmm...well not all of us watch a ridiculous amount of tv. So what else makes us gain?
2. Fast Food
Have you looked at the calorie count, or anything on the list of ingredients and daily nutritional value of the food you buy at restaurants? It's CRAZY! Once you start looking at the content...and compare it to what you can cook at home, you will start to rethink eating out.

3. Cola/Pop
I don't even know why I drink this sometimes. But it's fizzy goodness always finds it's way into my apartment, and into my belly. Just cutting this out of your diet, eliminates a large amount of sugar that your body would just turn into fat.

4. Sugar
Even thought this ingredient makes us feel good while we're consuming it...we all know it will do the opposite in the long run. And it's in practically everything we eat. That's right, you take a look at the labels of the products you buy on a regular basis.

There are more I could add to the list. But you get the idea. All these things in combination, create an obese population with hunger for more. Walking right alongside them are 3 things.
1. A longing to feel good - which leads to the eating of feelings
2. A longing to fit into sizes that shouldn't even be possible - which leads to eating disorders
3. Will power
Each of these are chained to us. Like traveling companions. Number 1 is a bag of cheesecake bites. Number two is anger and resentment. And number 3 is shrinking...almost non-existent ability to say no. The only thing that will strengthen number 3 is number 4.
4. A kick in the ass - administered by your want to accept or change yourself

I've invited number 4 to live with me for the month of January. Hoping it will stay indefinitely.

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