Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mistakes - Sorry 1st Child, They're Coming Your Way

Baby girl woke up today and greeted me with orange goop all over her and her bed this morning. Ahh motherhood. This is what it's all about.

This is the second time in two weeks that she has gotten sick. Last time, I learned some valuable lessons.
1) If child doesn't want to eat - take baby steps and feed them bland things like bread, crackers and flat gingerale. Applesauce will not b your friend 20 minutes later.

2) The day after severe sickness - do not feed child dairy products even though child appears better. yogurt and milk will unexpectedly catch up with you.

3) Do not take child on an outting. Assuming child is better because it hasn't evacuated it's stomach in a few hours is a big NO. This is how you end up frantically changing said child in a store and trying to get an employee to come clean up the sour/half digested milk your child has spewed onto the carpet. (yeah, the store was carpeted - Jysk should rethink flooring options).

This time around, I cancelled all plans and fed her rice crackers AND gravol. Thanks God for gravol!

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