Wednesday, December 1, 2010

8 weeks and 3 Days To Go

I am 31 weeks and 4 days along now and I still haven't adjusted to the 6 trips to the bathroom a night. I try not to drink too much before bed, but being pregnant, that's when I am the thirstiest. Last night I was up almost every hour.

Being up so often, I notice things that I normally wouldn't. My favorite, is the random giggles that come from my sleeping husband. Life has been a bit of a struggle for us lately, especially him. So hearing his occasional giggle makes me smile. At least he's enjoying whatever it is his mind is inventing overnight.

Being up so often is annoying. But between the husband giggles and the baby kicks, I hardly have the time to be angry about not being able to fall back asleep.

I really do feel blessed to have this baby brewing. When I tell people this, they always talk about how bad things are going to be once the baby arrives. Like how tired I'll be. I am not naive. I know what's coming.

I wonder why people feel the need to stomp on my expectations. This is my first baby. I am not nervous about caring for her and I know it will be difficult at times. But so is everything else in life. If it's worth your time, it's going to require some effort. This is my time to be a mother. So let me be happy with the stages I'm in and let me get frustrated at times. I know in the end, I'll be happy that I've had the opportunity to be a mom. I am excited when I think of things to come, and I wont let anyone suck the life out of that excitement. You're welcome to have your opinions - just know that I will also have mine!

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