Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas is Coming

When I think about Christmas, I think about how much I enjoy making Christmas dinner, wrapping presents and spending time with my family. We always pull out a game or two as we wait for dinner to be cooked and again, to wrap up the day. Over the years we've found that some games are worth buying and some, not so much.

Here are 3 of our favorite games:
1) The Game of Things
Play Time: 20-60 minutes
Players: 7 or less
Each round, one person reads out a phrase. Like "things you shouldn't do at the circus". Then, everyone writes down their answer and the person who read the phrase, reads them all out and people try to guess who said what. We always end up laughing hysterically.
2) Pit
Play Time: As many or as little rounds as you want. Each round takes from 10-15 minutes.
Players: 4-8
Your goal is to get all the same cards in your hand (like the game spoons). To do so, you need to trade the cards you don't want by having them face down on the table and yelling out the amount of cards you need to trade with someone. This gets very loud, and crazy...which is why my family likes it.
3) Settlers of Catan
Play time: 45 - 90 minutes. Depends on how many players you have (up to 6 with expansion).
Players: 3-6
Earn a specific amount of points before the other players. The way you earn points is by building settlements, cities and roads and trading or selling commodity cards.

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