Monday, October 11, 2010

Gotta Love A Good Spicy Snack

My Aunt went to the states to do some shopping a few weeks back. When she told me she was going, I requested that she bring me a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos. I got hooked on their crunchy, spicy flavor a couple years ago. I thought they'd eventually be sold in Canada...but I haven't seen them yet. So, I am stuck waiting until someone I know makes a trip down South.

Why is it that Canada doesn't sell the same things as the States sometimes? I'm guessing it's because they've tried and not sold enough. I hope they try selling Flaming Hot Cheetos one of these days. I'd be willing to buy a shipment just so I could have a lifetime supply all to myself.

When someone brings some back for me, I usually only get 1 or 2 bags. Normally I love sharing with others...but there are just some things that I like to hog. And Flaming Hot Cheetos are top on that list, right behind my family recipe cabbage rolls and Ontario beef jerky.

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