Friday, April 29, 2011

Espresso Pooper

This baby just doesn't know how to keep it in her diaper. Some days I don't know why I bother dressing her. Almost every day she poops all over the first outfit I dress her in. What a baby!

From across our 2 bedroom apartment I can hear her fill her pants. Today I was sitting with her and she rumbled in my lap. As she pushed I could see her onsie puff up on her back. Poop all the way to her ear. I find myself wondering, "is this normal?" I'm not going to complain though. She doesn't spit up or puke we're lucky. It also helps that she sleeps 7-9 hours straight a night. What a blessing she happy I can have a great night sleep so I can enjoy my maternity leave taking care of this cute little babe of mine.

1 comment:

oil painting classes said...

The baby looks great! Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel