Monday, March 21, 2011


Calleigh is now 5 weeks old and we're both doing great. I almost feel back to normal. I had gained 40lbs during my pregnancy and I am already 40lbs lighter. Crazy!! I guess it helps when you have a big baby. Nursing has also helped my body heal.

This beautiful baby girl of ours is so healthy and strong. She amazes us on a daily basis. I waited so long to be a mom and I love it.

No...I don't miss work or my coworkers at all.

I enjoyed designing my own baby announcement and am thinking about what I will do once this year is done and I have a 1 year old running around the apartment. I will work my old job part-time from home...and I am thinking about starting up a website so I can design baby announcements, birthday invites and other printed materials. I love designing...and I have a year to improve on what I already know.

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