Thursday, April 5, 2007

Happy 21 Lori!

She's 21 today! I remember days when Lori would do something that annoyed me and I would over react angrilly and tell her that she was named after a dead person (No really, she was! My dad's sister died as an infant when she went in for surgery to correct her clef pallet). Sorry that you were the first to experience my meanness Lori. Maybe you should have thought about that before you were born second! Ha ha, like you had a choice. It is actually nice that your name had a meaning behind it. In a way, as you have lived your life you've kept the memory of dad's baby sister alive.

Well I am glad that we get along better than when we were kids. You've turned out to be a great person. Keep on growing and maybe you will not end up being the shortest one of us all. At least you're still taller than Sam.

Anyways...HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORI! I hope you win the jackpot at the casino tonight!


Lori Bahm said...

Thanks!! thats a cute picture of me... one of my favorites... I dont think i had control over being the second child, if i could only change time and make chad the second child, after all he is taller than me lol... but then again so is joelle and she is six years younger than me haha... ya thank god for short people like sam... she makes me look tall. I dont think i am growing anymore though because i have been this height since i was like 16.

Jackie J said...

Well since you didn't grow after 16, I guess Joelle must not be done yet. I'm sure she'll be taller than me soon too. I never wanted to be any taller anyways. Being tall has it's down sides.