Friday, March 9, 2007

Helpful Hints

There are some things that are not ok to do around other people. Here a few, I'm sure I'll have some to add later...
1) When you are around other people don't pick and eat your scabs! This is so nasty I cannot explain how it makes me feel. Yeah, Goldmember does it in the 3rd Austin Powers movie, but that is NOT NORMAL! Especially if the scab is bleeding. I wont name names, but I've witnessed this a couple times.
2) When you don't like someone, don't look them up and down regularly and snarl at what they are wearing. People notice. If you're going to be fake nice, at least do it well. Take out a book.
3) When you are sick in the winter. Do not use your mittens to wipe your runny nose. Here in Winnipeg, it freezes and then you get on the bus and it's just not sanitary to spread those germs around. Buy some kleanex, it's cheap!
4) If you're smoking and it's really cold out, stay outside of the bus shack. The people in the bus shack have chosen not to freeze to death and when you come in with your Cancer stick, you threaten to kill them by rendering their lungs useless. Personally I'd rather brave the cold, but I shouldn't have to.

I don't understand why people do some of these things. I am no angel, I'm aware of that. But please spare the rest of us from enduring these dirty habits.


Unknown said...

I agree! Especially with the scab eating thing. I have a whole list of swear words to say in response, but I'm not sure who's going to be viewing this, so I'll keep it clean. Although I have swore at the majority of your family members already. Anyways, I would like to add, that if you are blind, don't grab someone's arm and sqeeze it so hard that it seems like you're milking a cow and trying to get every last drop of milk out! Also, if you have a dead end job and have chosen that as your career, don't make it everyone else's problem! I would like to take this opportunity to announce my possible career move to becomming a hit man. So if you have anyone you need "offed", I'll be sending out business cards to select people!

Jackie J said...

For people who don't know Sam very well...She's not about to "off" anyone. She just wrote that on one of her "bad days" where her medication was misplaced. Once fully medicated, she's just about normal. Like me. If you get what I'm sayin. Cheers to all you great, crazy and abnormal people. Who wants to be normal? (If you do, please respond to this so I can make fun of you)

Unknown said...

For those of you who don't know me, I am going to off someone. I'll start with all the people who said that I'm not going to off anyone, not naming names (Jackie). Joelle, I hope that you're finished your homework before you go on the computer!

Anonymous said...

Bite me sam ! haha . I hope you enjoy your dwarfism !

Anonymous said...

I love this post... we should keep adding things that piss us off... Now if i ever see someone wearing mitts im gonna want to barf. Jackie what are you saying, sam isnt normal even with her meds... never has been!
I would also like to add that if you are trying to get someones attention dont constantly poke them or talk over their voice...
and if you are a fat dude.. when you go out in public wear deoderant and cologne to mask the smell of your sweat because you sweat more and when im helping customers and im cornered in the cable section in my store i dont want to be entrapped in your stanky ass smell!!!! stank wank!!

Anonymous said...

I have one . When your on the bus dont talk on you cell phone so loud that everyone can here your conversation .

Anonymous said...

IF you have no DAMN kids in your car DON'T park in the spot reserved for them!! I will have to kick you butt when I'm walking out of my van parked in the very last row with my 2 preschoolers and 3 month old.
All the mom's can relate i'm sure and if not then you need to have more kids!!! :P

Jackie J said...

Maybe we should spray paint your name on the spot Kate. Then maybe they'll get the hint.

Anonymous said...

yes That's a great idea!!!!

Unknown said...

sorry I'll stay out of those parking spots from now on.

Anonymous said...

very good blog...hehe