Thursday, October 9, 2008

Unwanted Conversation

In regular every day living we all encounter people. On the bus, at work, at the mall...etc. This is fine. Sometimes we say a simple hello to acknowledge someone and sometimes we have a conversation. This is also fine, as long as both people are on the same page.

For instance: when you walk by someone on your way to work. You know that if you say a simple greeting, the conversation will start and end there. So a simple "hello" is sufficient. But, when you walk into the workplace and say hello, it sometimes develops into an unwanted conversation. You say "hello" or "good morning" and then the other person begins a long drawn out conversation on something that has nothing to do with either word. I come to work, not to listen to someone talk about useless and/or unwanted information. So while the other person goes off on their tangent, I am thinking about how boring they are and hoping my face shows how annoyed I am.

On top of the boring conversation, some people add a horrid smell as they wave their arms and mix their ill smelling odor with the air you are about the breathe in. I start to hold my breath, or cover half my face with my hand. I figure that might help block some of the stench from entering my nose.

So, unwanted conversation and body stench. I think these are two of the things that irritate me most. I am at a loss because I experience both of these 5 days a week. This is clearly my reason for looking forward to weekends.

How does one avoid these things? You don't. There is no way that you can. Unless you are rude. There are two stages of rude.
Stage 1: Internal Rudeness. This is the first step to becoming rude and learning how to internalize anger. You think rude thoughts, and wish you could just blurt them out, but don't, because your parents taught you to be a nice person (highly over-rated).
Stage 2: External Rudeness: This is the second and final step to venting the anger you internalized in stage 1. You come to your breaking point and just speak your mind. This graduates from wording things nicely to being a complete ass. This stage lasts a lot longer than stage 1 for some people. But this is the stage where you accept or reject being rude as a normal part of your every day life. I accept reluctantly. I guess there's still a part me of ( a very small part), that doesn't welcome the frustration.

I am just entering Stage 2, and I think this is the rudest I have ever been. Maybe it's my age. I've come to the point where I just don't care anymore...and I don't want to. People have been irritating me my whole life. And now it's time for payback! I'm an adult, and don't take kindly to people who speak to me as if I were still in kindergarten, people who have horrible manners (eating psoriasis, picking ears with toothpicks, eating like a horse, picking their nose and then reaching to shake my hand...there are so many, I can't possibly list them all), and especially those who just keep talking as if they love the sound of their own voice and assume that you do as well.

This concludes my rant. Enjoy the rest of your people filled day and try to eek out some might like it. =P