Monday, March 26, 2007

"The noodle eater's hair protector"

I found this online.

Ha ha! The fact that someone thought this was a good idea to patent proves that some people just have too much time on their hands. But, maybe it sells well in China. They do eat a lot of noodles there...right?

Who gets noddles in their hair? Truthfully, I would probably buy this as a gag gift for birthdays. That's about it.

I looked at this again, when translated from Chinese it actually means "funny tool".

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Just Another Money sucker

There are so many things that I could care less if I had. Some things are just out there for some average Joe to try and make a buck. Here's a list of what in my opinion are "money sucker items". Feel free to add more to the comments link.

"Roll up the rim" tool - honestly, if you are getting that messy from rolling it up, maybe you should wait until you are done drinking it! That would eliminate the spillage you moron. You don't need a gadget you need a new brain.
Salad spinner - I know some of you use these. That little bit of water is going to disappear once you add dressing anyways.
Rice cooker - Does anyone use a pot anymore? Boil double the amount of water to rice and cook for 25 minutes. Why spend money on one of these if you have something that can cook rice in half the time?
Eye lash curler - First of all, this thing looks like a surgical tool. These cost about $8-$20 in stores. What a waste of money. I'll use a pencil and a blow dryer if I want my lashes curled that badly.
Egg cups - I've never understood people who use these. An egg is so small, it's gone in a minute. Why bother putting each one in its own dish? Who eats an egg with a spoon anyways?
Banana tree - Just use a freakin plate people. A bowl even.
Pet rock - Come on! Would you seriously pay for a rock that someone picked up out of their back lane, painted and glued googly eyes to? What is the world coming to????
Electric Flosser - Yes they do sell these. I know flossing is annoying, but if you waste your money on this, you deserve a little tooth rot.
Tea Bag Squeezer - I don't know what you're thinking, but this just sounds wrong. But, you can buy these anywhere kitchen items are sold. Do people actually use these?
Throw Pillows - A pillow just for show?...I don't get it. Can someone please explain?
Bed Skirt - I don't want to wear a skirt never mind put one on my bed. Some prissy woman had to have invented this one.
Dog Sweater - People who buy these for their pets are retarded! Yes it's cold, but that's why THEY HAVE FUR!!! It angers me to see a dog wearing clothing. Yours may be due for a "wok" to the nearest Chinese restaurant, you're getting too attached! You want to dress something? Buy a kid! There's plenty out there!

I don't understand why people insist on cluttering up their lives with these things. I can kind of understand if you receive them as gifts and find a use for them. But don't waste your money on things that you could easily do with items you already have.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

One Day Away From Relaxation

I love Thursday because I know there's only one more day until the weekend. My brochures seem to be flying out of the office suddenly and I only have 4 more to complete. Woohoo! Then I can start working on the rest of the books that need to be revamped. There are quite a few here in the office that have not been redesigned since the early 80's, some since the late 70's. Some are so old, that they have never been entered into a computer. The information in each book is great except for the occasional use of the word "Indian" and the word "Gay". I'm sure you understand why these words had to be replaced.

Recently, mom bumped into someone that knew a friend of hers. He just happens to be looking for someone to do design & layout for a magazine business downtown. I will meet with him and see if it's for me. But since this happened I have been wondering about myself. What I want for myself and what effects my decisions. I do get very frustrated a lot at my current job. Although I may not go to church every Sunday, I know what I believe and I really feel that it is where God wants me to be. I don't want my decisions to be fueled by the idea of a bigger paycheck. I want to love what I do and not think about the money. Don't get me wrong, I do want to be able to live off of what I make. I just want to make sure I'm where I should be. Although this magazine thing may not even be for me, I can see this developing into a strong personal struggle for me in the future with different opportunities. Any thoughts? Please comment.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Mondays Can Be Frustrating

I love what I do. Designing brochures, adjusting photos, drawing, painting and putting booklets together. But, I could do without the human interaction most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I love to be around people...sometimes. The whole point in making a brochure is to attract a person to pick it up. When you make it look ugly, they are going to go for something else. I can't seem to get some people to understand this no matter how hard I try. It's during those conversations where I wish I was right beside the person so I could taser them. Just a little shock. I don't want to kill them. Just make them sizzle a little before they say something else that's completely retarded.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Artistic Ability

In 2005 I "almost" completed my schooling at Red River College. I am realizing now, that I miss all that comes with school. Just as going to the gym has made my body healthier, drawing makes my artistic ability stronger. Since I have this blog now, I thought it would be nice to post some of the stuff I did in school and some recent personal projects and work projects. They will be posted on the bottom of the page. Here's a couple books I designed...

Friday, March 9, 2007

Helpful Hints

There are some things that are not ok to do around other people. Here a few, I'm sure I'll have some to add later...
1) When you are around other people don't pick and eat your scabs! This is so nasty I cannot explain how it makes me feel. Yeah, Goldmember does it in the 3rd Austin Powers movie, but that is NOT NORMAL! Especially if the scab is bleeding. I wont name names, but I've witnessed this a couple times.
2) When you don't like someone, don't look them up and down regularly and snarl at what they are wearing. People notice. If you're going to be fake nice, at least do it well. Take out a book.
3) When you are sick in the winter. Do not use your mittens to wipe your runny nose. Here in Winnipeg, it freezes and then you get on the bus and it's just not sanitary to spread those germs around. Buy some kleanex, it's cheap!
4) If you're smoking and it's really cold out, stay outside of the bus shack. The people in the bus shack have chosen not to freeze to death and when you come in with your Cancer stick, you threaten to kill them by rendering their lungs useless. Personally I'd rather brave the cold, but I shouldn't have to.

I don't understand why people do some of these things. I am no angel, I'm aware of that. But please spare the rest of us from enduring these dirty habits.

2007 Rush

Wow, I am glad it's Friday! This week has been almost as crazy as last week. There are so many jobs I am struggling to juggle. I received 9 more brochures this year from Saskatchewan. This puts my brochure load up to 29. I love to design them but I will be glad to take a rest after they are all completed.

Jeremy is building confidence in working with Primerica. I was at a meeting about a week or so ago and he spoke. Wow! I was impressed. He knows his stuff and I think he's starting to realize how much he has grown. He has a passion to help families and that is great. There are so many companies out there that are out to get families. It's about time that the customer benefit from something they pay for.

Lori will be 21 in April. Chad has just turned 17 and Joelle will be 15 in July. I remember when they were all chubby little babies. Lori, brushing my friends hair with her toothbrush, Chad banging his head on the floor and Joelle using the heating vents as a dumping ground for her urine. This makes me feel a bit old. But I know I am still young and have lots of time to have kids, buy a house and so on.